Red Background with Black words: College student and App Based Sex Work Research Study

About the Research 

Thank you so much for considering joining this study. As you have already read, I am a researcher at Iowa State University, where I am a professor in Higher Education and Student Affairs, as well as a faculty affiliate in Women’s and Gender Studies. This study is connected to my research agenda on college students engaged in sex work, with particular attention to the experiences of students with racial and sexually minoritized identities. You can find citations to my related research publications on my Bepress Page or my Google Scholar profile. Finally, I published a book from my last project, and if you navigate to the publisher’s website and click on “critic’s reviews,” you will actually see endorsements from the college students engaged in sex work who were in the study the book talks about. I hope this helps illustrate my commitment to ethical and affirming research inquiry. Additionally, the book is open access and free so you are welcome to read and engage as you wish.

Below I have outlined additional specifics about the study. Before getting to that, I wanted to explain why I have my photo on the recruitment flyer and why I have the study information hosted on my personal website. I wanted any student who was interested in this study to have the opportunity to learn more about me, who I am, and where I come from as means to start building trust with me in this process. I realize trust is earned and not given. You can read about me on my site, you are also welcome to read what I write about, the projects I'm passionate about, and the things I do when I'm not tending to my faculty duties! I hope by having access to this information it will help make it a little clearer who I am and why someone like me might be interested in this project. I am happy to answer specific questions if you have them, just email me at Likewise, if you want to chat on the phone, we can set up a time.

In short, I am looking for students (undergraduates) who are currently or have previously engaged in app-based sex work while being a student. Specifically, I am interested in the experiences of adult Gay and or Queer Black Men who use(d) OnlyFans, JustForFans, ConnectPal, Chaturbate, or other similar app-based or tech-based solutions to generate income while also being a student.


  • You must identify as a Black and Gay or Queer man

  • You must be currently enrolled in an accredited not-for-profit college or university; or be within 2 years post-undergraduate graduation.

  • You must identify as having engaged in a form of app-based work or content creation for sale at some point during your time as a college student, even if you are not engaged in that work at the time of your interview/engagement in this study.

  • You must be 18 years old or older.

What it means to be a Collaborator

This study is a little different than other studies because you will operate as a collaborator with me instead of just a “participant”. What this means is you have the option of giving me ongoing feedback about this study as well as how accurately I am understanding your experiences. As the data collection phase concludes, I will begin analyzing and writing up the study findings. If you are willing, I will give you access to examples and previews of what I am coming up with to ensure that I am accurately representing your experience and your story, and I can make adjustments to that writing in real time. Once we get to a place that feels good for both of us, only then will I proceed with finalizing the study and the writing. You will have opportunities to engage with me beyond the life of the study if you wish. As a collaborator, the data collection process will include the following components:

A 1-hour interview to be conducted via zoom. Interviews will be audio recorded only for transcription purposes. Once the interviews have been transcribed, I will destroy the audio, and only I and the research team will have access to the subsequent transcripts. You will use a pseudonym (fake name) throughout your participation as one of many ways I will work to protect your identity.

At the conclusion of the interview and after I have had some time with your data, you will have the option to have a follow-up meeting to review the interview and co-write a short creative non-fiction account of a notable experience in relation to your app-based work. This meeting should take 30-60 minutes. You may only participate in the study once. To be eligible to receive the incentive, you will either need to:

  • provide a .edu email address (this is how we will send the incentive)


  • be prepared to have your video on during screening and at the start of the interview. If you choose the video option you must be in a well-lit area with a clear video so that we can assure single participation in the study.

Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the study. As compensation for your collaboration, time, and labor, you will receive my gratitude and a total of $75. I know it is but a small token, but it is important to me that I honor your work on this with me.

If you are interested in joining the study please CLICK BELOW to complete a Qualtrics form!